Category Solutions

If I’d known I was going to care this long

I’d have taken better care of myself. But: I’ve granted myself one indulgence over the years since Dad died. During these years of caregiving for Mom, I’ve allowed myself to eat whenever and pretty-darn-near whatever I wanted. I’m not an emotional eater. Instead, I often experience hunger as a kind of overall diminishment: weakness, sadness […]

Respite: Time away from caregiving

A post in a caregivers’ forum compared the writer’s circumscribed life doing at-home long-term care to that of Anne Frank’s confinement. Please don’t be outraged at the comparison. In context, it seemed reasonable. The comparison acknowledged the significant differences between the two situations. Oddly, I’d thought of Anne Frank in my caregiving situation, too. ALWAYS […]

Three holiday acknowledgments of non-caregivers: Tender mercies

In the spirit of giving thanks, this post will acknowledge non-caregivers who have been part of the solution to caregiving. These are three tender mercies that solved some of the problems of caregiving. SOCIAL SUPPORT Here’s to the people who held us in their hearts lightly but firmly. Without hinting at disappointment over unanswered cards, […]

Three holiday suggestions for non-caregivers: All in the family

Dear Non-Caregiver, as the holidays approach, please realize how much we caregivers need you. We’d like to know you appreciate our efforts. We’d love to have some help over time. It would be great if you could stay in touch with Mom/Dad. We’d appreciate it, if you could “hang in there” with us as we […]

Walking wounded: Media support

I wish I could write funny blogs about caregiving. Humor is so appealing and healing. Up late the other night after a particularly eventful day in the life of a caregiver, I saw the Jeff Foxworthy clip for AARP, “You might be a caregiver if….” A Twitter challenge followed: finish the sentence in your own […]

Real modern family: Mom’s virtual party

SEPTEMBERS REMEMBERED Last month, the challenge was how to celebrate Mom’s 90th birthday. September was a month laden with associations and memories. Five days earlier had been the second anniversary of Dad’s death. Six days later would be the second anniversary of her move to our home for long term care. Sixteen days later would have […]