Category Realities

Certainty, death, and taxes

This was my third year of filing my mother’s tax returns. Doing taxes always forces a review of the previous year. During these past few years, doing Mom’s  taxes has forced me to revisit my father’s death–and life. I’ve had to examine his files for evidence of how he structured their finances and how he […]

Fashion backward: Clothes and caring

To dress or not to dress? That is the question for people whose days are unlikely to involve leaving the house. If no one is expected to visit, what’s the harm in staying in one’s pajamas? I am keenly aware of that issue as, over the years, Mom has opted to remain in her nightie […]

I’m glad I’m old, or: We’ve got to get organized!

When Mom sees something she regards as crazy or stupid on television, a standard response is, “I’m glad I’m old!” That exclamation has also been used to summarize her reaction to various current events. Over the years, I’ve interpreted the remark to mean something like: “The only relief I can imagine from exposure to this […]

Super Sunday: A caregiver’s version

Dear Reader, this post will be mercifully brief–and not because I’ll be watching the big game. I’m going to celebrate a super Sunday here at the homestead by quitting early for the day (or night). Mom and I will watch a favorite old show on the DVR and have a special treat. Spouse will watch […]

A sampler of recent ups and downs: The caregiver drag

We’ve been bouncing between opposites on the emotional spectrum as though we’re doing a weird, out-of-control dance. The caregiver drag. Spouse had been fighting an inflammation for weeks. Down! With antibiotics and diet changes, it seemed under control. Up! Then, in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, he developed a new and scary symptom. Down! […]