Category Pivot points

Vicissitudes, redemption, celebration, persistence

Another week, another chance to experience the vicissitudes of the caregiving life: examples follow. Monday: Mom suffered another incident of the mysterious coughing syndrome she’s developed in recent years. Often associated with eating or drinking and accompanied by sneezing, the syndrome has gone undiagnosed by medical professionals. She reported that Monday’s siege was the worst […]

Uncertainty, life, and marathons

Have we all had the sensation of time passing quickly, yet slowly? Have you looked back at a time in your life and thought that it seemed like it was just yesterday, yet seemed like it was such a long time ago? That contradictory sense of time has infused my life, especially over the past […]

Seeking shelter: Caring and real estate

What do we need in a home these days? Here’s a description, as it might appear in an ad. This home was designed with your needs in mind. The welcoming front yard has a level, paved drive and walkway that lead to a gently inclined ramp bracketed by sturdy handrails. An illuminated, wheelchair accessible doorbell and […]

Après le déluge–Mom’s big move

What happens to families in the context of at-home, long-term care? It depends on the resources available, what else is happening, and whether everyone adjusts. WE’RE LUCKY WE HAVE THIS OPTION-2009 My spouse and I are having coffee on the western bank of the Connecticut River amid fall foliage. He asks where we see ourselves […]

Daunting decisions: At Home Long Term care

What happens to families in the context of at-home, long-term care? First, consequential decisions get thrust upon them, possibly under extremely trying conditions. Let’s ease into this highly personal topic by using a few business terms. Families often create the market for–and supply of–caregivers. That market is fueled by age, illness, and injury. Supply is […]